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Nobu Armani: Better Than You Expect, from Slightly Better to Much Better.

Nobu, Via Gastone Pisoni, Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy / 05 июля 2017

One can scold Nobu as much as he or she wants but “to my taste scolding it is indeed bad taste” (c), it is out of style. Nobu is like Chanel, your last resort when you want to be certain that someone has thought for you and the result is guaranteed.

Of course, there are exceptions, in Moscow in Nobu only a crazy man would eat or someone who really doesn’t care of themselves. The same is true about NY, but actually, there they gobble up and rejoice at such things that in comparison even Moscow would go for a gastro-paradise.

But who would tell me that in LA, in Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas, in Tokyo or in Milan, it isn’t tasty?

Oh yeah! Sure!

Indeed, it is a touristy/expat place, but this fact doesn’t make miso cod less fishy, tuna tartare less tartare and rolls, which are not at all Japanese, less fucking awesome.

All the rest is gastro-snobbery.

For example, you have been traveling all over superb Toscana, Veneto, Lombardy and everywhere it is incredibly tasty, but your soul needs to make a break, so there you are with your packages of Margiela/Gucci/H&M going to Armani for a lunch right at the time it opens.

The first thing that should put you in the right mood is a small but indeed a real queue. A queue in MILAN for a lunch where you can easily get a lunch set for 33 Euros! But it is more cool here, 20-45! And mostly Italians are in the queue!

“What’s the matter with them?”

The answer is very simple, it is fucking TASTY!

Among the four unpretentious dishes for two people: tartare, cod, rolls/sushi; none was a failure, moreover there was absolutely nothing to complain about.

Of course little to do with Tsukiji, but if you compare it to Tokyo…

Tokyo is far behind.

In Italy it is not all that well with sushi bars:

it isn’t daily food.

good sushi cost a lot.

in Europe I’ve hardly ever had sushi similar to Milan’s Nobu, and definitely never rolls of the same quality.

Tuna! It isn’t the sluggish brown fish, which is found in the ocean to the left side from Portugal. Probably, they know some secret! It is delicious! And chuttoro strongly differs from akami not only in color, but also in taste.

The cod is a masterpiece. As usual, actually.

Rolls are excellent, but oddly enough especially those with salmon on top and drops of yuzu.

Or, that’s just me as a yuzu addict.

Do enjoy!

Nobu, Via Gastone Pisoni, Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy